Class: WebRtcEndpoint


Endpoint that provides bidirectional WebRTC capabilities for Kurento.

This endpoint is one side of a peer-to-peer WebRTC communication, where the other peer is either of a WebRTC capable browser (using the RTCPeerConnection API), a native WebRTC app, or even another Kurento Media Server instance.

In order to establish WebRTC communications, peers first engage in an SDP Offer/Answer negotiation process, where one of the peers (the offerer) sends an SDP Offer, while the other peer (the answerer) responds with an SDP Answer. This endpoint can work in both roles.

  • As offerer: The negotiation process is initiated by the media server.
    • Kurento generates the SDP Offer through the generateOffer() method. This offer must then be sent to remote peer (the answerer) through the signaling channel.
    • The remote peer process the SDP Offer, and generates an SDP Answer. This answer is then sent back to the media server.
    • Upon receiving the SDP Answer, this endpoint must process it with the processAnswer() method.
  • As answerer: The negotiation process is initiated by the remote peer.
    • The remote peer, acting as offerer, generates an SDP Offer and sends to this endpoint.
    • This endpoint processes the SDP Offer with the processOffer() method. The result of this method will be a string, containing an SDP Answer.
    • The SDP Answer must then be sent back to the offerer, so it can be processed by it.

ICE candidates and connectivity checks

SDPs are sent without ICE candidates, following the Trickle ICE optimization. Once the SDP negotiation is completed, both peers proceed with the ICE discovery process, intended to set up a bidirectional media connection. During this process, each peer...

  • Discovers ICE candidates for itself, containing pairs of IPs and ports.
  • ICE candidates are sent via the signaling channel as they are discovered, to the remote peer for probing.
  • ICE connectivity checks are run as soon as the new candidate description, from the remote peer, is available.

Once a suitable pair of candidates (one for each peer) is discovered, the media session can start. The harvesting process in Kurento, begins with the invocation of the gatherCandidates() method. Since the whole Trickle ICE purpose is to speed-up connectivity, candidates are generated asynchronously. Therefore, in order to capture the candidates, the user must subscribe to the event IceCandidateFound. It is important that the event listener is bound before invoking gatherCandidates(), otherwise a suitable candidate might be lost, and connection might not be established.

It is important to keep in mind that WebRTC connection is an asynchronous process, when designing interactions between different MediaElements. For example, it would be pointless to start recording before media is flowing. order to be notified of state changes, the application can subscribe to events generated by the WebRtcEndpoint. Following is a full list of events generated by WebRtcEndpoint:

  • IceComponentStateChanged: This event informs only about changes in the ICE connection state. Possible values are:
    • DISCONNECTED: No activity scheduled
    • GATHERING: Gathering local candidates
    • CONNECTING: Establishing connectivity
    • CONNECTED: At least one working candidate pair
    • READY: ICE concluded, candidate pair selection is now final
    • FAILED: Connectivity checks have been completed, but media connection was not established
    The transitions between states are covered in RFC5245. It could be said that it is network-only, as it only takes into account the state of the network connection, ignoring other higher level stuff, like DTLS handshake, RTCP flow, etc. This implies that, while the component state is CONNECTED, there might be no media flowing between the peers. This makes this event useful only to receive low-level information about connection between peers. Even more, while other events might leave a graceful period of time before firing, this event fires immediately after the state change is detected.
  • IceCandidateFound: Raised when a new candidate is discovered. ICE candidates must be sent to the remote peer of the connection. Failing to do so for some or all of the candidates might render the connection unusable.
  • IceGatheringDone: Raised when the ICE gathering process is completed. This means that all candidates have already been discovered.
  • NewCandidatePairSelected: Raised when a new ICE candidate pair gets selected. The pair contains both local and remote candidates being used for a component. This event can be raised during a media session, if a new pair of candidates with higher priority in the link are found.
  • DataChannelOpened: Raised when a data channel is open.
  • DataChannelClosed: Raised when a data channel is closed.

Registering to any of above events requires the application to provide a callback function. Each event provides different information, so it is recommended to consult the signature of the event listeners.

Bitrate management and network congestion control

Congestion control is one of the most important features of WebRTC. WebRTC connections start with the lowest bandwidth configured and slowly ramps up the maximum available bandwidth, or to the higher limit of the allowed range in case no bandwidth limitation is detected.

Notice that WebRtcEndpoints in Kurento are designed in a way that multiple WebRTC connections fed by the same stream, share the same bitrate limits. When a new connection is added, as it requires to start with low bandwidth, it will cause the rest of connections to experience a transient period of degraded quality, until it stabilizes its bitrate. This doesn't apply when transcoding is involved; transcoders will adjust their output bitrate based in the receiver requirements, but it won't affect the original stream.

If an incoming WebRTC stream needs to be transcoded, for whatever reason, all WebRtcEndpoints fed from the transcoder output will share a separate quality than the ones connected directly to the original stream.

Note that the default MaxVideoSendBandwidth is a VERY conservative value, and leads to a low maximum video quality. Most applications will probably want to increase this to higher values such as 2000 kbps (2 Mbps). Check the documentation of BaseRtpEndpoint and :rom:cls:`RembParams` for detailed information about bitrate management.

Keyframe requests (PLI/FIR)

WebRTC allows receivers to emit keyframe requests for the senders, by means of RTCP Feedback messages called PLI (Picture Loss Indication) and/or FIR (Full Intra-frame Request). Kurento supports this mechanism: PLI and FIR requests that are emitted by a receiver will be forwarded to the sender. This way, the encoder of the video (e.g. a web browser) can decide if a new keyframe should be generated. Sometimes Kurento itself acts as encoder when transcoding is enabled, so in this case it is Kurento itself the one generating keyframes.

On top of this, a common technique used for streaming is to forcefully request new keyframes. Either in fixed intervals, or explicitly by the application. Kurento doesn't support the former, but the latter is possible by calling requestKeyframe() from a subscribing element (i.e. an endpoint that sends data out from the Kurento Pipeline).

WebRTC Data Channels

DataChannels allow other media elements that make use of the DataPad, to send arbitrary data. For instance, if there is a filter that publishes event information, it will be sent to the remote peer through the channel. There no API available for programmers to make use of this feature in the WebRtcElement. DataChannels can be configured to provide the following:

  • Reliable or partially reliable delivery of sent messages
  • In-order or out-of-order delivery of sent messages

Unreliable, out-of-order delivery is equivalent to raw UDP semantics. The message may make it, or it may not, and order is not important. However, the channel can be configured to be partially reliable by specifying the maximum number of retransmissions or setting a time limit for retransmissions: the WebRTC stack will handle the acknowledgments and timeouts.

The possibility to create DataChannels in a WebRtcEndpoint must be explicitly enabled when creating the endpoint, as this feature is disabled by default. If this is the case, they can be created invoking the createDataChannel method. The arguments for this method, all of them optional, provide the necessary configuration:

  • label: assigns a label to the DataChannel. This can help identify each possible channel separately.
  • ordered: specifies if the DataChannel guarantees order, which is the default mode. If maxPacketLifetime and maxRetransmits have not been set, this enables reliable mode.
  • maxPacketLifeTime: The time window in milliseconds, during which transmissions and retransmissions may take place in unreliable mode. This forces unreliable mode, even if ordered has been activated.
  • maxRetransmits: maximum number of retransmissions that are attempted in unreliable mode. This forces unreliable mode, even if ordered has been activated.
  • Protocol: Name of the subprotocol used for data communication.



(static) constructorParams

Name Type Attributes Description
certificateKeyType module:elements/complexTypes.CertificateKeyType <optional>
Define the type of the certificate used in dtls
mediaPipeline module:core.MediaPipeline the MediaPipeline to which the endpoint belongs
qosDscp module:elements/complexTypes.DSCPValue <optional>
DSCP value to be used in network traffic sent from this endpoint

If this parameter is present with a value different to NO_VALUE, all traffic sent from this WebRTCEndpoint will be marked with the correspondent DSCP value according to the DiffServ architecture. This may provide better handling of network traffic according to its characteristics associated to its DSCP value. This better handling includes priority in forwarding traffic and probability of packet drop in case of network congestion.

It must be taken into account that on Internet not all intermediate routers are guaranteed to enforce those DSCP values, even it is possible that certain routers just block traffic marked with specific DSCP values, as discussed here

So, this feature must be managed with care and is mostly intended for private networks, where the network proprietor can configure and guarantee DSCP management in all routers.

recvonly external:Boolean <optional>
Single direction, receive-only endpoint
sendonly external:Boolean <optional>
Single direction, send-only endpoint
useDataChannels external:Boolean <optional>
Activate data channels support

(static) events



(static) addIceCandidate(candidate, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Process an ICE candidate sent by the remote peer of the connection.
Name Type Attributes Description
candidate module:elements/complexTypes.IceCandidate Remote ICE candidate
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~addIceCandidateCallback <optional>

(static) closeDataChannel(channelId, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Closes an open data channel
Name Type Attributes Description
channelId external:Integer The channel identifier
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~closeDataChannelCallback <optional>

(static) createDataChannel(labelopt, orderedopt, maxPacketLifeTimeopt, maxRetransmitsopt, protocolopt, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Create a new data channel, if data channels are supported.

Being supported means that the WebRtcEndpoint has been created with data channel support, the client also supports data channels, and they have been negotiated in the SDP exchange. Otherwise, the method throws an exception, indicating that the operation is not possible.

Data channels can work in either unreliable mode (analogous to User Datagram Protocol or UDP) or reliable mode (analogous to Transmission Control Protocol or TCP). The two modes have a simple distinction:

  • Reliable mode guarantees the transmission of messages and also the order in which they are delivered. This takes extra overhead, thus potentially making this mode slower.
  • Unreliable mode does not guarantee every message will get to the other side nor what order they get there. This removes the overhead, allowing this mode to work much faster.

If data channels are not supported, this method throws an exception.

Name Type Attributes Description
label external:String <optional>
Channel's label
ordered external:Boolean <optional>
If the data channel should guarantee order or not. If true, and maxPacketLifeTime and maxRetransmits have not been provided, reliable mode is activated.
maxPacketLifeTime external:Integer <optional>
The time window (in milliseconds) during which transmissions and retransmissions may take place in unreliable mode. Note that this forces unreliable mode, even if ordered has been
maxRetransmits external:Integer <optional>
maximum number of retransmissions that are attempted in unreliable mode. Note that this forces unreliable mode, even if ordered has been
protocol external:String <optional>
Name of the subprotocol used for data communication
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~createDataChannelCallback <optional>

(static) gatherCandidates(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Start the ICE candidate gathering.

This method triggers the asynchronous discovery of ICE candidates (as per the Trickle ICE mechanism), and returns immediately. Every newly trickled candidate is reported to the application by means of an IceCandidateFound event. Finally, when all candidates have been gathered, the IceGatheringDone event is emitted.

Normally, you would call this method as soon as possible after calling SdpEndpoint::generateOffer or SdpEndpoint::processOffer, to quickly start discovering candidates and sending them to the remote peer.

You can also call this method before calling generateOffer or processOffer. Doing so will include any already gathered candidates into the resulting SDP. You can leverage this behavior to implement fully traditional ICE (without Trickle): first call gatherCandidates, then only handle the SDP messages after the IceGatheringDone event has been received. This way, you're making sure that all candidates have indeed been gathered, so the resulting SDP will include all of them.

Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~gatherCandidatesCallback <optional>

getChildren(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Children of this MediaObject.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~getChildrenCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getConnectionState(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Connection state.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getConnectionStateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getCreationTime(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

MediaObject creation time in seconds since Epoch.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~getCreationTimeCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getEncoderBitrate(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Target video bitrate for media transcoding.

The bitrate of a video has a direct impact on its perceived image quality. Higher bitrate means higher quality, but also a larger amount of bytes to transmit or store. Use this parameter to set the desired average bitrate in videos that are transcoded by the media server.

This parameter is most useful for :rom:cls:`RecorderEndpoint` and :rom:cls:`RtpEndpoint`: when media is being transcoded (either for streaming or storing on disk), the resulting quality is directly controlled with this value.

For :rom:cls:`WebRtcEndpoint`, this value should be left as default, as remote WebRTC receivers will already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send.

Setting a value will only work if done before the media starts to flow.

  • Unit: bps (bits per second).
  • Default: 300000 (300 kbps).
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaElement~getEncoderBitrateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getExternalIPv4(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

External IPv4 address of the media server.

Forces all local IPv4 ICE candidates to have the given address. This is really nothing more than a hack, but it's very effective to force a public IP address when one is known in advance for the media server. In doing so, KMS will not need a STUN or TURN server, but remote peers will still be able to contact it.

You can try using this setting if KMS is deployed on a publicly accessible server, without NAT, and with a static public IP address. But if it doesn't work for you, just go back to configuring a STUN or TURN server for ICE.

Only set this parameter if you know what you're doing, and you understand 100% WHY you need it. For the majority of cases, you should just prefer to configure a STUN or TURN server.

externalIPv4 is a single IPv4 address.


  • externalIPv4=
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getExternalIPv4Callback <optional>

getExternalIPv6(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

External IPv6 address of the media server.

Forces all local IPv6 ICE candidates to have the given address. This is really nothing more than a hack, but it's very effective to force a public IP address when one is known in advance for the media server. In doing so, KMS will not need a STUN or TURN server, but remote peers will still be able to contact it.

You can try using this setting if KMS is deployed on a publicly accessible server, without NAT, and with a static public IP address. But if it doesn't work for you, just go back to configuring a STUN or TURN server for ICE.

Only set this parameter if you know what you're doing, and you understand 100% WHY you need it. For the majority of cases, you should just prefer to configure a STUN or TURN server.

externalIPv6 is a single IPv6 address.


  • externalIPv6=2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getExternalIPv6Callback <optional>

getICECandidatePairs(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

the ICE candidate pair (local and remote candidates) used by the ICE library for each stream.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getICECandidatePairsCallback <optional>

getIceConnectionState(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

the ICE connection state for all the connections.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getIceConnectionStateCallback <optional>

getIceTcp(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Enable ICE-TCP candidate gathering.

This setting enables or disables using TCP for ICE candidate gathering in the underlying libnice library:

You might want to disable ICE-TCP to potentially speed up ICE gathering by avoiding TCP candidates in scenarios where they are not needed.

iceTcp is either 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF). Default: 1 (ON).

Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getIceTcpCallback <optional>

getMaxAudioRecvBandwidth(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum inbound bitrate requested by this endpoint. Signaled to compatible WebRTC and RTP senders as part of Kurento's REMB bandwidth estimations, and also as an SDP bitrate attribute (b=AS:{value}, see RFC 8866 Section 5.8. Bandwidth Information) in sendrecv and recvonly SDP Offers.
  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 0 (unlimited).
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.SdpEndpoint~getMaxAudioRecvBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMaxEncoderBitrate(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum video bitrate for media transcoding.

This parameter can be used to fine tune the automatic bitrate selection that normally takes place within elements that are able to dynamically change the encoding bitrate according to the conditions of the streaming, such as :rom:cls:`WebRtcEndpoint`.

This should be left as default in most cases, given that remote WebRTC receivers already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send. Otherwise, this parameter could be used for example to limit the total bitrate that is handled by the server, by setting a low maximum output for all endpoints.

This should be left as default in most cases, given that remote WebRTC receivers already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send. Otherwise, this parameter could be used for example to limit the total bitrate that is handled by the server, by setting a low maximum output for all endpoints.

Setting a value will only work if done before the media starts to flow.

  • Unit: bps (bits per second).
  • Default: 0.
  • 0 = unlimited. Encoding performed with bitrate as requested by receivers.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaElement~getMaxEncoderBitrateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMaxVideoRecvBandwidth(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum inbound bitrate requested by this endpoint. Signaled to compatible WebRTC and RTP senders as part of Kurento's REMB bandwidth estimations, and also as an SDP bitrate attribute (b=AS:{value}, see RFC 8866 Section 5.8. Bandwidth Information) in sendrecv and recvonly SDP Offers.
  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 0 (unlimited).
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.SdpEndpoint~getMaxVideoRecvBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMaxVideoSendBandwidth(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum outbound bitrate sent by this endpoint. Remote peers themselves might also announce a maximum bitrate as part of their REMB bandwidth estimations, and also as an SDP bitrate attribute (b=AS:{value}, see RFC 8866 Section 5.8. Bandwidth Information) in sendrecv and recvonly SDP Offers or Answers. Kurento will always give priority to bitrate limitations specified by remote peers, over internal configurations.

With this parameter you can control the maximum video quality that will be sent when reacting to good network conditions. Setting this parameter to a high value permits the video quality to raise when the network conditions get better.

Note that the default MaxVideoSendBandwidth is a VERY conservative value, and leads to a low maximum video quality. Most applications will probably want to increase this to higher values such as 2000 kbps (2 Mbps).

The REMB congestion control algorithm works by gradually increasing the output video bitrate, until the available bandwidth is fully used or the maximum send bitrate has been reached. This is a slow, progressive change, which starts at 300 kbps by default. You can change the default starting point of REMB estimations, by setting RembParams.rembOnConnect.

  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 500.
  • 0 = unlimited: the video bitrate will grow until all the available network bandwidth is used by the stream.
    Note that this might have a bad effect if more than one stream is running (as all of them would try to raise the video bitrate indefinitely, until the network gets saturated).
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getMaxVideoSendBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMediaPipeline(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

MediaPipeline to which this MediaObject belongs. It returns itself when invoked for a pipeline object.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~getMediaPipelineCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMediaState(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Media flow state.
  • CONNECTED: There is an RTCP flow.
  • DISCONNECTED: No RTCP packets have been received for at least 5 sec.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getMediaStateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMinEncoderBitrate(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Minimum video bitrate for media transcoding.

This parameter can be used to fine tune the automatic bitrate selection that normally takes place within elements that are able to dynamically change the encoding bitrate according to the conditions of the streaming, such as :rom:cls:`WebRtcEndpoint`.

This should be left as default in most cases, given that remote WebRTC receivers already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send. Otherwise, this parameter could be used for example to force a higher bitrate than what is being requested by receivers.

Setting a value will only work if done before the media starts to flow.

  • Unit: bps (bits per second).
  • Default: 0.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaElement~getMinEncoderBitrateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMinVideoRecvBandwidth(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Minimum inbound bitrate requested by this endpoint. Signaled to compatible WebRTC and RTP senders, as part of the REMB bandwidth estimation protocol.

This is used to set a minimum value of local REMB during bandwidth estimation. The REMB estimation will then be sent to remote peers, causing them to send at least the indicated video bitrate. It follows that this parameter will only have effect for remote peers that support the REMB bandwidth estimation protocol (such as e.g. most web browsers compatible with WebRTC).

  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 0.
  • Note: The actual minimum value is 30 kbps, even if a lower value is set.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getMinVideoRecvBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMinVideoSendBandwidth(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Minimum outbound bitrate sent by this endpoint.

With this parameter you can control the minimum video quality that will be sent when reacting to bad network conditions. Setting this parameter to a low value permits the video quality to drop when the network conditions get worse.

Note that if you set this parameter too high (trying to avoid bad video quality altogether), you would be limiting the adaptation ability of the congestion control algorithm, and your stream might be unable to ever recover from adverse network conditions.

  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 100.
  • 0 = unlimited: the video bitrate will drop as needed, even to the lowest possible quality, which could make the video completely blurry and pixelated, but would adapt better to losses caused by network congestion.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getMinVideoSendBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getMtu(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) used for RTP.

This setting affects the maximum size that will be used by RTP payloads. You can change it from the default, if you think that a different value would be beneficial for the typical network settings of your application.

The default value is 1200 Bytes. This is the same as in libwebrtc (from, as used by Firefox or Chrome . You can read more about this value in Why RTP max packet size is 1200 in WebRTC? .

WARNING: Change this value ONLY if you really know what you are doing and you have strong reasons to do so. Do NOT change this parameter just because it seems to work better for some reduced scope tests. The default value is a consensus chosen by people who have deep knowledge about network optimization.

  • Unit: Bytes.
  • Default: 1200.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getMtuCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getName(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

This MediaObject's name.

This is just sugar to simplify developers' life debugging, it is not used internally for indexing nor identifying the objects. By default, it's the object's ID.

Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~getNameCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getNetworkInterfaces(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Local network interfaces used for ICE gathering.

If you know which network interfaces should be used to perform ICE (for WebRTC connectivity), you can define them here. Doing so has several advantages:

  • The WebRTC ICE gathering process will be much quicker. Normally, it needs gather local candidates for all of the network interfaces, but this step can be made faster if you limit it to only the interface that you know will work.
  • It will ensure that the media server always decides to use the correct network interface. With WebRTC ICE gathering it's possible that, under some circumstances (in systems with virtual network interfaces such as docker0) the ICE process ends up choosing the wrong local IP.

networkInterfaces is a comma-separated list of network interface names.


  • networkInterfaces=eth0
  • networkInterfaces=eth0,enp0s25
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getNetworkInterfacesCallback <optional>

getParent(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Parent of this MediaObject.

The parent of a Hub or a MediaElement is its MediaPipeline. A MediaPipeline has no parent, so this property will be null.

Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~getParentCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getRembParams(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Advanced parameters to configure the congestion control algorithm.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~getRembParamsCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getSendTagsInEvents(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Flag activating or deactivating sending the element's tags in fired events.
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~getSendTagsInEventsCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

getStunServerAddress(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

STUN server IP address.

The ICE process uses STUN to punch holes through NAT firewalls.

stunServerAddress MUST be an IP address; domain names are NOT supported.

You need to use a well-working STUN server. Use this to check if it works:

Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getStunServerAddressCallback <optional>

getStunServerPort(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Port of the STUN server
Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getStunServerPortCallback <optional>

getTurnUrl(callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

TURN server URL.

When STUN is not enough to open connections through some NAT firewalls, using TURN is the remaining alternative.

Note that TURN is a superset of STUN, so you don't need to configure STUN if you are using TURN.

The provided URL should follow one of these formats:

  • user:password@ipaddress:port
  • user:password@ipaddress:port?transport=[udp|tcp|tls]

ipaddress MUST be an IP address; domain names are NOT supported.
transport is OPTIONAL. Possible values: udp, tcp, tls. Default: udp.

You need to use a well-working TURN server. Use this to check if it works:
srflx) AND one Relay Candidate (type relay).

Name Type Attributes Description
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~getTurnUrlCallback <optional>

setEncoderBitrate(encoderBitrate, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Target video bitrate for media transcoding.

The bitrate of a video has a direct impact on its perceived image quality. Higher bitrate means higher quality, but also a larger amount of bytes to transmit or store. Use this parameter to set the desired average bitrate in videos that are transcoded by the media server.

This parameter is most useful for :rom:cls:`RecorderEndpoint` and :rom:cls:`RtpEndpoint`: when media is being transcoded (either for streaming or storing on disk), the resulting quality is directly controlled with this value.

For :rom:cls:`WebRtcEndpoint`, this value should be left as default, as remote WebRTC receivers will already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send.

Setting a value will only work if done before the media starts to flow.

  • Unit: bps (bits per second).
  • Default: 300000 (300 kbps).
Name Type Attributes Description
encoderBitrate external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaElement~setEncoderBitrateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setExternalIPv4(externalIPv4, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

External IPv4 address of the media server.

Forces all local IPv4 ICE candidates to have the given address. This is really nothing more than a hack, but it's very effective to force a public IP address when one is known in advance for the media server. In doing so, KMS will not need a STUN or TURN server, but remote peers will still be able to contact it.

You can try using this setting if KMS is deployed on a publicly accessible server, without NAT, and with a static public IP address. But if it doesn't work for you, just go back to configuring a STUN or TURN server for ICE.

Only set this parameter if you know what you're doing, and you understand 100% WHY you need it. For the majority of cases, you should just prefer to configure a STUN or TURN server.

externalIPv4 is a single IPv4 address.


  • externalIPv4=
Name Type Attributes Description
externalIPv4 external:String
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setExternalIPv4Callback <optional>

setExternalIPv6(externalIPv6, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

External IPv6 address of the media server.

Forces all local IPv6 ICE candidates to have the given address. This is really nothing more than a hack, but it's very effective to force a public IP address when one is known in advance for the media server. In doing so, KMS will not need a STUN or TURN server, but remote peers will still be able to contact it.

You can try using this setting if KMS is deployed on a publicly accessible server, without NAT, and with a static public IP address. But if it doesn't work for you, just go back to configuring a STUN or TURN server for ICE.

Only set this parameter if you know what you're doing, and you understand 100% WHY you need it. For the majority of cases, you should just prefer to configure a STUN or TURN server.

externalIPv6 is a single IPv6 address.


  • externalIPv6=2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
Name Type Attributes Description
externalIPv6 external:String
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setExternalIPv6Callback <optional>

setIceTcp(iceTcp, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Enable ICE-TCP candidate gathering.

This setting enables or disables using TCP for ICE candidate gathering in the underlying libnice library:

You might want to disable ICE-TCP to potentially speed up ICE gathering by avoiding TCP candidates in scenarios where they are not needed.

iceTcp is either 1 (ON) or 0 (OFF). Default: 1 (ON).

Name Type Attributes Description
iceTcp external:Boolean
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setIceTcpCallback <optional>

setMaxAudioRecvBandwidth(maxAudioRecvBandwidth, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum inbound bitrate requested by this endpoint. Signaled to compatible WebRTC and RTP senders as part of Kurento's REMB bandwidth estimations, and also as an SDP bitrate attribute (b=AS:{value}, see RFC 8866 Section 5.8. Bandwidth Information) in sendrecv and recvonly SDP Offers.
  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 0 (unlimited).
Name Type Attributes Description
maxAudioRecvBandwidth external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.SdpEndpoint~setMaxAudioRecvBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMaxEncoderBitrate(maxEncoderBitrate, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum video bitrate for media transcoding.

This parameter can be used to fine tune the automatic bitrate selection that normally takes place within elements that are able to dynamically change the encoding bitrate according to the conditions of the streaming, such as :rom:cls:`WebRtcEndpoint`.

This should be left as default in most cases, given that remote WebRTC receivers already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send. Otherwise, this parameter could be used for example to limit the total bitrate that is handled by the server, by setting a low maximum output for all endpoints.

This should be left as default in most cases, given that remote WebRTC receivers already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send. Otherwise, this parameter could be used for example to limit the total bitrate that is handled by the server, by setting a low maximum output for all endpoints.

Setting a value will only work if done before the media starts to flow.

  • Unit: bps (bits per second).
  • Default: 0.
  • 0 = unlimited. Encoding performed with bitrate as requested by receivers.
Name Type Attributes Description
maxEncoderBitrate external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaElement~setMaxEncoderBitrateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMaxVideoRecvBandwidth(maxVideoRecvBandwidth, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum inbound bitrate requested by this endpoint. Signaled to compatible WebRTC and RTP senders as part of Kurento's REMB bandwidth estimations, and also as an SDP bitrate attribute (b=AS:{value}, see RFC 8866 Section 5.8. Bandwidth Information) in sendrecv and recvonly SDP Offers.
  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 0 (unlimited).
Name Type Attributes Description
maxVideoRecvBandwidth external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.SdpEndpoint~setMaxVideoRecvBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMaxVideoSendBandwidth(maxVideoSendBandwidth, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum outbound bitrate sent by this endpoint. Remote peers themselves might also announce a maximum bitrate as part of their REMB bandwidth estimations, and also as an SDP bitrate attribute (b=AS:{value}, see RFC 8866 Section 5.8. Bandwidth Information) in sendrecv and recvonly SDP Offers or Answers. Kurento will always give priority to bitrate limitations specified by remote peers, over internal configurations.

With this parameter you can control the maximum video quality that will be sent when reacting to good network conditions. Setting this parameter to a high value permits the video quality to raise when the network conditions get better.

Note that the default MaxVideoSendBandwidth is a VERY conservative value, and leads to a low maximum video quality. Most applications will probably want to increase this to higher values such as 2000 kbps (2 Mbps).

The REMB congestion control algorithm works by gradually increasing the output video bitrate, until the available bandwidth is fully used or the maximum send bitrate has been reached. This is a slow, progressive change, which starts at 300 kbps by default. You can change the default starting point of REMB estimations, by setting RembParams.rembOnConnect.

  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 500.
  • 0 = unlimited: the video bitrate will grow until all the available network bandwidth is used by the stream.
    Note that this might have a bad effect if more than one stream is running (as all of them would try to raise the video bitrate indefinitely, until the network gets saturated).
Name Type Attributes Description
maxVideoSendBandwidth external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~setMaxVideoSendBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMinEncoderBitrate(minEncoderBitrate, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Minimum video bitrate for media transcoding.

This parameter can be used to fine tune the automatic bitrate selection that normally takes place within elements that are able to dynamically change the encoding bitrate according to the conditions of the streaming, such as :rom:cls:`WebRtcEndpoint`.

This should be left as default in most cases, given that remote WebRTC receivers already send feedback to inform the media server about what is the optimal bitrate to send. Otherwise, this parameter could be used for example to force a higher bitrate than what is being requested by receivers.

Setting a value will only work if done before the media starts to flow.

  • Unit: bps (bits per second).
  • Default: 0.
Name Type Attributes Description
minEncoderBitrate external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaElement~setMinEncoderBitrateCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMinVideoRecvBandwidth(minVideoRecvBandwidth, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Minimum inbound bitrate requested by this endpoint. Signaled to compatible WebRTC and RTP senders, as part of the REMB bandwidth estimation protocol.

This is used to set a minimum value of local REMB during bandwidth estimation. The REMB estimation will then be sent to remote peers, causing them to send at least the indicated video bitrate. It follows that this parameter will only have effect for remote peers that support the REMB bandwidth estimation protocol (such as e.g. most web browsers compatible with WebRTC).

  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 0.
  • Note: The actual minimum value is 30 kbps, even if a lower value is set.
Name Type Attributes Description
minVideoRecvBandwidth external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~setMinVideoRecvBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMinVideoSendBandwidth(minVideoSendBandwidth, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Minimum outbound bitrate sent by this endpoint.

With this parameter you can control the minimum video quality that will be sent when reacting to bad network conditions. Setting this parameter to a low value permits the video quality to drop when the network conditions get worse.

Note that if you set this parameter too high (trying to avoid bad video quality altogether), you would be limiting the adaptation ability of the congestion control algorithm, and your stream might be unable to ever recover from adverse network conditions.

  • Unit: kbps (kilobits per second).
  • Default: 100.
  • 0 = unlimited: the video bitrate will drop as needed, even to the lowest possible quality, which could make the video completely blurry and pixelated, but would adapt better to losses caused by network congestion.
Name Type Attributes Description
minVideoSendBandwidth external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~setMinVideoSendBandwidthCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setMtu(mtu, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) used for RTP.

This setting affects the maximum size that will be used by RTP payloads. You can change it from the default, if you think that a different value would be beneficial for the typical network settings of your application.

The default value is 1200 Bytes. This is the same as in libwebrtc (from, as used by Firefox or Chrome . You can read more about this value in Why RTP max packet size is 1200 in WebRTC? .

WARNING: Change this value ONLY if you really know what you are doing and you have strong reasons to do so. Do NOT change this parameter just because it seems to work better for some reduced scope tests. The default value is a consensus chosen by people who have deep knowledge about network optimization.

  • Unit: Bytes.
  • Default: 1200.
Name Type Attributes Description
mtu external:Integer
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~setMtuCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setName(name, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

This MediaObject's name.

This is just sugar to simplify developers' life debugging, it is not used internally for indexing nor identifying the objects. By default, it's the object's ID.

Name Type Attributes Description
name external:String
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~setNameCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setNetworkInterfaces(networkInterfaces, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Local network interfaces used for ICE gathering.

If you know which network interfaces should be used to perform ICE (for WebRTC connectivity), you can define them here. Doing so has several advantages:

  • The WebRTC ICE gathering process will be much quicker. Normally, it needs gather local candidates for all of the network interfaces, but this step can be made faster if you limit it to only the interface that you know will work.
  • It will ensure that the media server always decides to use the correct network interface. With WebRTC ICE gathering it's possible that, under some circumstances (in systems with virtual network interfaces such as docker0) the ICE process ends up choosing the wrong local IP.

networkInterfaces is a comma-separated list of network interface names.


  • networkInterfaces=eth0
  • networkInterfaces=eth0,enp0s25
Name Type Attributes Description
networkInterfaces external:String
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setNetworkInterfacesCallback <optional>

setRembParams(rembParams, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Advanced parameters to configure the congestion control algorithm.
Name Type Attributes Description
rembParams module:core/complexTypes.RembParams
callback module:core/abstracts.BaseRtpEndpoint~setRembParamsCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setSendTagsInEvents(sendTagsInEvents, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Flag activating or deactivating sending the element's tags in fired events.
Name Type Attributes Description
sendTagsInEvents external:Boolean
callback module:core/abstracts.MediaObject~setSendTagsInEventsCallback <optional>
Inherited From:

setStunServerAddress(stunServerAddress, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

STUN server IP address.

The ICE process uses STUN to punch holes through NAT firewalls.

stunServerAddress MUST be an IP address; domain names are NOT supported.

You need to use a well-working STUN server. Use this to check if it works:

Name Type Attributes Description
stunServerAddress external:String
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setStunServerAddressCallback <optional>

setStunServerPort(stunServerPort, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

Port of the STUN server
Name Type Attributes Description
stunServerPort external:Integer
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setStunServerPortCallback <optional>

setTurnUrl(turnUrl, callbackopt) → {external:Promise}

TURN server URL.

When STUN is not enough to open connections through some NAT firewalls, using TURN is the remaining alternative.

Note that TURN is a superset of STUN, so you don't need to configure STUN if you are using TURN.

The provided URL should follow one of these formats:

  • user:password@ipaddress:port
  • user:password@ipaddress:port?transport=[udp|tcp|tls]

ipaddress MUST be an IP address; domain names are NOT supported.
transport is OPTIONAL. Possible values: udp, tcp, tls. Default: udp.

You need to use a well-working TURN server. Use this to check if it works:
srflx) AND one Relay Candidate (type relay).

Name Type Attributes Description
turnUrl external:String
callback module:elements.WebRtcEndpoint~setTurnUrlCallback <optional>

Type Definitions


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error

getExternalIPv4Callback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:String

getExternalIPv6Callback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:String

getICECandidatePairsCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result module:elements/complexTypes.IceCandidatePair

getIceConnectionStateCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result module:elements/complexTypes.IceConnection

getIceTcpCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:Boolean

getNetworkInterfacesCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:String

getStunServerAddressCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:String

getStunServerPortCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:Integer

getTurnUrlCallback(error, result)

Name Type Description
error external:Error
result external:String


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error


Name Type Description
error external:Error