Source: node_modules/kurento-client-core/lib/abstracts/ServerManager.js

/* Autogenerated with Kurento Idl */

 * (C) Copyright 2013-2015 Kurento (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

var inherits = require('inherits');

var kurentoClient = require('kurento-client');

var disguise = kurentoClient.disguise;

var checkType      = kurentoClient.checkType;
var ChecktypeError = checkType.ChecktypeError;

var Transaction = kurentoClient.TransactionsManager.Transaction;

var MediaObject = require('./MediaObject');

function noop(error, result) {
  if (error) console.trace(error);

  return result

 * @classdesc
 *  This is a standalone object for managing the MediaServer
 * @abstract
 * @extends module:core/abstracts.MediaObject
 * @constructor module:core/abstracts.ServerManager
 * @fires {@link module:core#event:ObjectCreated ObjectCreated}
 * @fires {@link module:core#event:ObjectDestroyed ObjectDestroyed}
function ServerManager(){;
inherits(ServerManager, MediaObject);

// Public properties

 * Server information, version, modules, factories, etc
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager#getInfo
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getInfoCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getInfo = function(callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  var usePromise = false;
  if (callback == undefined) {
    usePromise = true;
  if(!arguments.length) callback = undefined;

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getInfo', callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getInfoCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {module:core/complexTypes.ServerInfo} result

 * Metadata stored in the server
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager#getMetadata
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getMetadataCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getMetadata = function(callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  var usePromise = false;
  if (callback == undefined) {
    usePromise = true;
  if(!arguments.length) callback = undefined;

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getMetadata', callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getMetadataCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {external:String} result

 * All the pipelines available in the server
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager#getPipelines
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getPipelinesCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getPipelines = function(callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  var usePromise = false;
  if (callback == undefined) {
    usePromise = true;
  if(!arguments.length) callback = undefined;

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  if (usePromise) {
    var self = this;

    var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

      function callback2(error, values) {

     self._invoke(transaction, 'getPipelines', function(error, result) {
        if (error) return callback(error);

        self.emit('_describe', result, callback2);
    return promise;
  } else {
    return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getPipelines', function(error, result) {
      if (error) return callback(error);

      this.emit('_describe', result, callback);
    }), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getPipelinesCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {module:core.MediaPipeline} result

 * All active sessions in the server
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager#getSessions
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getSessionsCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getSessions = function(callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  var usePromise = false;
  if (callback == undefined) {
    usePromise = true;
  if(!arguments.length) callback = undefined;

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getSessions', callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getSessionsCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {external:String} result

// Public methods

 * Number of CPU cores that the media server can use.
 * <p>
 *   Linux processes can be configured to use only a subset of the cores that 
 *   are
 *   available in the system, via the process affinity settings
 *   (<strong>sched_setaffinity(2)</strong>). With this method it is possible to
 *   know the number of cores that the media server can use in the machine where
 *   is running.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   For example, it's possible to limit the core affinity inside a Docker
 *   container by running with a command such as
 *   <em>docker run --cpuset-cpus='0,1'</em>.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   Note that the return value represents the number of
 *   <em>logical</em> processing units available, i.e. CPU cores including
 *   Hyper-Threading.
 * </p>
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager.getCpuCount
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getCpuCountCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getCpuCount = function(callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  var usePromise = false;
  if (callback == undefined) {
    usePromise = true;
  if(!arguments.length) callback = undefined;

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getCpuCount', callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getCpuCountCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {external:Integer} result
 *  Number of CPU cores available for the media server.

 * Returns the kmd associated to a module
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager.getKmd
 * @param {external:String} moduleName
 *  Name of the module to get its kmd file
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getKmdCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getKmd = function(moduleName, callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  // checkType('String', 'moduleName', moduleName, {required: true});

  var params = {
    moduleName: moduleName

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getKmd', params, callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getKmdCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {external:String} result
 *  The kmd file.

 * Average CPU usage of the server.
 * <p>
 *   This method measures the average CPU usage of the media server during the
 *   requested interval. Normally you will want to choose an interval between 
 *   1000
 *   and 10000 ms.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 *   The returned value represents the global system CPU usage of the media 
 *   server,
 *   as an average across all processing units (CPU cores).
 * </p>
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager.getUsedCpu
 * @param {external:Integer} interval
 *  Time to measure the average CPU usage, in milliseconds.
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getUsedCpuCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getUsedCpu = function(interval, callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  // checkType('int', 'interval', interval, {required: true});

  var params = {
    interval: interval

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getUsedCpu', params, callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getUsedCpuCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {external:Number} result
 *  CPU usage %.

 * Returns the amount of memory that the server is using, in KiB
 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager.getUsedMemory
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getUsedMemoryCallback} [callback]
 * @return {external:Promise}
ServerManager.prototype.getUsedMemory = function(callback){
  var transaction = (arguments[0] instanceof Transaction)
                  ? Array.prototype.shift.apply(arguments)
                  : undefined;

  var usePromise = false;
  if (callback == undefined) {
    usePromise = true;
  if(!arguments.length) callback = undefined;

  callback = (callback || noop).bind(this)

  return disguise(this._invoke(transaction, 'getUsedMemory', callback), this)
 * @callback module:core/abstracts.ServerManager~getUsedMemoryCallback
 * @param {external:Error} error
 * @param {external:int64} result
 *  Used memory, in KiB.

 * @alias module:core/abstracts.ServerManager.constructorParams
ServerManager.constructorParams = {

 * @alias module:core/
 * @extends module:core/
 */ =['ObjectCreated', 'ObjectDestroyed']);

 * Checker for {@link module:core/abstracts.ServerManager}
 * @memberof module:core/abstracts
 * @param {external:String} key
 * @param {module:core/abstracts.ServerManager} value
function checkServerManager(key, value)
  if(!(value instanceof ServerManager))
    throw ChecktypeError(key, ServerManager, value);

module.exports = ServerManager;

ServerManager.check = checkServerManager;