
Kurento is a low-level platform to create WebRTC applications from scratch. You will be responsible of managing STUN/TURN servers, networking, scalability, etc. If you are new to WebRTC, we recommend using OpenVidu instead.

OpenVidu is an easier to use, higher-level, Open Source platform based on Kurento.

Writing this documentation

Although each of the Kurento repositories contains a README file, the main source of truth for up-to-date information about Kurento is this documentation you are reading right now. This is done in a 3 steps process:

  1. Sources are written in a markup language called reStructuredText (or reST, for short). This format is less known that the popular Markdown, but it is much more powerful and adequate for long-form documentation writing.

    To learn the reST language have a look at the Sphinx guide to reStructuredText and the official Quick reStructuredText reference.

  2. Sphinx is used to convert the reST files into the final output formal, such as HTML or PDF.

  3. The resulting files are hosted in Read the Docs.

The core reST language is extended by Sphinx by means of extensions, and we use some of them:

Building locally

Check spelling

Please use a text editor that provides spell checking and live-preview visualization of reST files; this alone will help catching most grammatical and syntactic mistakes. Visual Studio Code is a great option, it provides extensions for both of these things:

code --install-extension streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker
code --install-extension lextudio.restructuredtext

Install dependencies

You’ll need these tools:

  • Python 3, including:

    • The PIP package installer, used to install Sphinx.

    • Optionally, but strongly recommended, the Python’s virtual env tool.

  • Graphviz, to convert .dot files into graphs.

sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends \
    python3 python3-pip python3-venv \

Optionally, make a bit of cleanup in case old Sphinx versions were installed:

# Ensure that old versions of Sphinx are not installed
sudo apt-get purge --auto-remove \
    '^python-sphinx.*' \
    '^python3-sphinx.*' \

python3 -m pip freeze | grep -i '^sphinx' | xargs sudo -H python3 -m pip uninstall

Finally, install and run Sphinx:

# Create and load a Python virtual environment.
python3 -m venv python_modules
source python_modules/bin/activate

# Install packages.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade wheel
python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

Build docs

Run make html inside the documentation directory, and open the newly built files with a web browser:

# Load the Python virtual environment.
source python_modules/bin/activate

# Build and open the documentation files.
make html
firefox build/html/index.html

Kurento documentation Style Guide

Paragraph conventions

  • Line breaks: Don’t break the lines. Documentation is prose text, and not source code, so the typical code line length limit rules don’t make any sense and don’t apply here.

Inline markup

  • Names, acronyms, and in general any kind of referential name should be emphasized with single asterisks (as in *word*).

  • File names, full paths, URLs, package names, variable names, class and event names, code samples, commands, and in general any machine-oriented keywords, must be written inside double back-quotes (as in ``word``). This formatting prevents line breaking, which tends to be desirable for these kinds of technical words.

Sample phrases:

This document talks about Kurento Media Server (*KMS*).
All dependency targets are defined in the ``CMakeLists.txt`` file.
You need to install ``libboost-dev`` for development.
Enable debug by setting the ``GST_DEBUG`` environment variable.

Use ``apt-get install`` to set up all required packages.
Set ``CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug`` to build with debug symbols.
The argument ``--gst-debug`` can be used to control the logging level.

Important differences between reST and Markdown:

  • reST uses two back-quotes for inline code, not one. It is ``word``, not `word`.

  • reST renders single asterisks (*word*) and single back-quotes (`word`) as italic text. For this reason, it’s better to always use asterisks for emphasizing, to avoid confusing people who come from Markdown.

  • reST does not render underscores (as in _word_), so don’t use them to emphasize text.

Header conventions

  • Header separation: Always separate each header from the preceding paragraph, by using 3 empty lines. The only exception to this rule is when two headers come together (e.g. a document title followed by a section title); in that case, they are separated by just 1 empty line.

  • Header shape: reST allows to express section headers with any kind of characters that form an underline shape below the section title. We follow these conventions for Kurento documentation files:

    1. Level 1 (Document title). Use = above and below:

    Level 1
    1. Level 2. Use = below:

    Level 2
    1. Level 3. Use -:

    Level 3
    1. Level 4. Use ~:

    Level 4
    1. Level 5. Use ":

    Level 5


It is possible to include hidden comments, which work just like commented-out lines in any programming language. For this, use two dots in a single line, followed by indented text. For example:

   These lines are commented out, and won't appear in the final output.
   You can put here some notes about the text itself.

Sphinx documentation generator

Our Sphinx-based project is hosted in the doc-kurento/ subdir within https://github.com/Kurento/kurento. Here, the main entry point for running Sphinx is the Makefile, based on the template that is provided for new projects by Sphinx itself. This Makefile is customized to attend our particular needs, and implements several targets:

  • init-workdir. This target constitutes the first step to be run before most other targets. Our documentation source files contain substitution keywords in some parts, in the form | KEYWORD |, which is expected to be substituted by some actual value during the generation process. Currently, the only keyword in use is VERSION, which must be expanded to the actual version of the documentation being built.

    For example, here is the VERSION_KMS keyword when substituted with its final value: 7.0.0.


    Sphinx already includes a substitutions feature by itself, for the keywords version and release. Sadly, this feature of Sphinx is very unreliable. For example, it won’t work if the keyword is located inside a literal code block, or inside an URL. So, we must resort to performing the substitutions by ourselves during a pre-processing step, if we want reliable results.

    The way this works is that the source folder gets copied into the build directory, and then the substitutions take place over this copy.

  • langdoc. This target creates the automatically generated reference documentation for each Client API Reference. Currently, this means the Javadoc and Jsdoc documentations for Java and Js clients, respectively. The Kurento client repositories are checked out in the same version as specified by the documentation version file, or in the main branch if no such version tag exists. Then, the client stubs of the Kurento Modules are automatically generated, and from the resulting source files, the appropriate documentation is automatically generated too.

    The langdoc target is usually run before the html target, in order to end up with a complete set of HTML documents that include all the reST documentation with the Javadoc/Jsdoc sections.

  • dist. This target is a convenience shortcut to generate the documentation in the most commonly requested formats: HTML, PDF and EPUB. All required sub-targets will be run and the resulting files will be left as a compressed package in the dist/ subdir.

  • ci-readthedocs. This is a special target that is meant to be called exclusively by our Continuous Integration system. The purpose of this job is to manipulate all the documentation into a state that is a valid input for the Read the Docs CI system. Check the next section for more details.

Read the Docs builds

It would be great if Read the Docs worked by simply calling the command make html, as then we would be able to craft a Makefile that would build the complete documentation in one single step (by making the Sphinx’s html target dependent on our init-workdir and langdoc). But alas, they don’t work like this; instead, they run Sphinx directly from their Python environment, rendering our Makefile as useless in their CI.

In order to overcome this limitation, we opted for the simple solution of handling RTD a specifically-crafted Git repository, with the contents that they expect to find. This works as follows:

  1. Read the Docs has been configured to watch for changes in the doc-kurento-readthedocs repo, instead of doc-kurento.

  2. The init-workdir and langdoc targets run locally from our doc-kurento repo.

  3. The resulting files from those targets are copied as-is to the doc-kurento-readthedocs repository.

  4. Everything is then committed and pushed to this latter repo, thus triggering a new RTD build.


Read the Docs allows setting up a custom robots.txt, which we can use to prevent search engines from scrapping old and deprecated versions of the documentation, giving instead full priority to the /latest/ and /stable/ subdirectories in search engines:

This is exactly the behavior we want, because without it, searches like “kurento webrtc” would show results from old 6.9 or 6.10 pages, while we’d rather have the latest or stable versions appearing.